Exclusive Interview: Size Inclusive Modeling Agency is Helping Change the Face of the Modeling World

We all want to see more people in mainstream media we can relate to, ie: inclusion. We still have a long way to go before we see complete diversity across the board in the modeling industry. But Ashley Stetts, CEO of her very own inclusive modeling agency Stetts, is making a splash in a major way.

Her agency is helping break the mold of what the “standard model” looks like. They accept women of all sizes and ethnicities. They’re dedicated to fit and fitness modeling, with the hopes of expanding into many more divisions, maybe even including men one day. But let’s get the ladies straight, first!

My “inbetweenie” struggle

As you all know, I’ve struggled with finding my place in the modeling industry because of my size. I’m not small enough to be categorized as straight size and not big enough to be labeled as plus size. I land in the no-man’s-land, as some of us label ourselves as “inbetweenies.” It’s quite the hindrance on my career (since I too, would like to eat).

Inclusive is the name of the game

Ashley and I are on the same page when it comes to wanting to make change in a desperate way. I’m trying to bridge the gap between the two categories. So I thought, what better way to find out more, than to sit down with a CEO of an inclusive agency, who seems to be doing just that!

We sat down one sunny afternoon to chat about how being inclusive is helping constitute change. I asked her about the changes she experienced as a model and how she sees the changes now, being a full blown agent running her own agency. She broke down what a fit model is and I asked her to give advice to those who want to become models. I also asked her what I could do as a size 10 with unproportional sizes to help make changes in the industry as well.

Ashley-thank you for all that you are doing! Thank you for helping create change and for representing those of us who feel underrepresened!


Because my sizes aren’t proportional for fit modeling, I’m not able to sign with Stetts. Watch the video to find out what I mean. Oops-a question I should have asked! I didn’t even ask about fitness modeling, but not sure if they’re mutually exclusive or not! I also assume you have to be fit – fit to be a fitness model, and that I am not (hello cellulite!!!). Although, I am a solid athlete with a six-pack. Might have been worth an ask!
